Channel: Sinkhole Society

Florida Papa John’s Pizza Guy Joshua Werbicki Caught on Tape Givin’ the Dog a Bone

Joshua Werbicki (Facebook)

Joshua Werbicki Arrest Photo
West Melbourne, Florida

Well, thank God I don’t eat at Papa John’s, especially in West Melbourne, after cops say that one of their employees has been screwin’ the pooch!

The perverted pizza making pinhead is 22-year-old Joshua Werbicki, who was jailed Friday after surveillance video captured the man having sex with the family dog.

According to police, the family at a Palm Bay residence became concerned when their dog, a German shepherd mix, began showing signs of physical injury and exhibited fearful behavior when approached by family members.

To get to the bottom of things, the family installed a surveillance system inside the home, but found more than they bargained for after watching Werbicki making Rover bend over.

Investigators now have videotaped evidence of Werbicki sexually abusing the animal. Werbicki was taken into custody down at the local Papa John's restaurant where he was employed.

He was booked into jail and charged with a felony count of animal cruelty and sexual acts involving animals.

Miss Colorado Teen Pageant Beauty Kristy Althaus the Latest Victim of Sex Tape Scandal

Kristy Althaus (Right)

Denver, Colorado

Well, it looks like another teen pageant beauty has fallen from grace over sex tape allegations.

This time around, it’s Kristy Althaus, runner-up in the Miss Colorado Teen USA 2012 pageant. This is one of the pageants that launches beauties in the direction of Donald Trump's Miss Universe operation.

The story actually unfolded rather quickly, after the alleged porn video surfaced and the website Gawker began to probe around.

A tipster pointed us all in the direction of a video, posted January 24, on the infamous website GirlsDoPorn.com. The video depicts a woman who bears a strong resemblance to Althaus. Last week, a longer clip from the video on imagepost.com identified its star as a "Miss Teen Colorado Runner Up."

During the fall 2012 pageant, Althaus was one spot away from traveling to New York as her state's representative to the Miss Teen USA pageant—and she could vault into the national spotlight if, as the emcee said, the champion "is unable to fulfill her reign."

However, last week, the pageant producer removed every reference to Althaus among the winners and runners-up, from the pageant’s website.

If you recall, just last year, Miss Delaware Teen USA resigned amid claims she, too, had appeared in a pornographic video with GirlsDoPorn.


Bianca Byndloss 'Florida Foot-Fetish Model' Caught on Cam in Underage Sex Party

Bianca Byndloss (Twitter)

Bianca Byndloss Booking Photo
Miami, Florida

A self-proclaimed ‘Up and Coming Porn Diva’ has been jailed after police say she and two young men took part in a sex party with three underage girls. The performer was even smart enough to film the adventure and post it online.

Bianca Byndloss, 19, was jailed late Thursday and charged with three counts of lewd and lascivious battery on a minor and promoting sexual performance of a child.

Byndloss was released Friday on a $37,500 bond. The two males involved, 19-year-old Christian Hernandez, and 18-year-old Bryan Yanes were also arrested.

According to authorities, the victims were ages 12, 13 and 14. According to Miami-Dade police, back in May, Byndloss picked up the girls and went to Hernandez’s home on the 14300 block of SW 62nd Street, where they engaged in a group sex party.

Police were contacted, after videos of the sexual tryst ended up online. The investigation was lead by Miami-Dade’s sexual crimes bureau.

Byndloss is no stranger to trouble. In 2013, police arrested her on charges of burglary and petty theft, a case that was quickly dropped. In January, she was charged with misdemeanor battery, a case that was also dropped.

Byndloss is well-known in the Miami area, and on the Internet, for foot-fetish related stuff. Well, that was before moving on to kids. And while Floridians know she sucks toes, thanks to YouTube, now the world knows she sucks at doing Drake too.

Is Family Influence Helping Alleged Texas Killer Kelly Armstrong Avoid Justice?

Kelly Armstrong accused of killing his wife, Autumn

Kelly Armstrong Arrest Photo
Navasota, Texas

Down in Texas, in the small town of Navasota, more than a few of the ‘local folk’ are expressing their outrage after a woman was found dead early Monday morning.

Navasota police discovered 40-year-old Autumn Armstrong dead in her home following an alleged 9-1-1 call from the woman’s husband. Investigators say that Kelly Armstrong, 43, told dispatchers he had shot his wife while he was asleep. Other reports, from neighbors, place the sounds of gunfire as early as 10:30 p.m. However, police believe the shooting occurred around 3:15 a.m. Autumn Armstrong’s body was discovered by police before 5:00 a.m.

Later in the day, as further details began to emerge, Grimes County District Attorney Tuck McLain announced that there were no suspects and no warrants had been issued, but that Armstrong’s body was sent for an autopsy in Dallas. Investigators also confirmed that Armstrong’s husband, Kelly, and the couple’s young son were in the house at the time of the shooting. The couple was planning to finalize divorce proceedings on the day the murder occurred. The couple also had a daughter who is in college.

On Tuesday, an arrest warrant was issued for Kelly Armstrong, along with a charge of first-degree murder. Grimes County Justice of the Peace John LeFlore set his bond at $150,000. The man’s attorney, Billy Carter of Bryan indicated that an agreement had been made with the District Attorney, where Mr. Armstrong would turn himself in around noon on Wednesday. Armstrong and his attorney, Billy Carter, did arrive at the Grimes County Jail on Wednesday as scheduled. Two hours later, after posting bond, Armstrong walked out of the jail.

Following Autumn Armstrong’s death, local social media was infiltrated with Grimes County residents outraged by the timeline following the woman’s death, the scheduled appointment for Mr. Armstrong to turn himself in, the low bond amount and the freedom Armstrong has after posting bond. Mr. Armstrong comes from a well-known, prominent family in Grimes County, a family which includes business owners and attorneys.

Following the social media community outcry on Facebook, Grimes County District Attorney Tuck McLain responded to concerns over the bond amount set for Mr. Armstrong with the following:

"The bond amount recommended by the bond schedule adopted by the district Judges for a 1st degree felony is $20,000.00. Murder is a 1st degree felony. Judge Leflore set the bond at over SEVEN TIMES the recommended amount. The CCP sets five considerations for a Judge to use in setting bonds. 1. bail must be sufficiently high to assure appearance; 2. It may not be "an instrument of oppression"; 3. consider the nature of the crime; 4. the ability of the defendant to make bail & 5. the future safety of the victim and the community. As AB noted above, this case doe4s not qualify for a no bond under the Texas Constitution. My suggestion to many of you criticizing Judge LaFlore is 1. Learn something about what you’re talking about and 2) Figure out how to change the law if you don't like the way it is."

Many residents, however, continue to express their concerns that Armstrong’s family influence is resulting in preferential treatment. The case is set to be presented to a Grand Jury “soon.”

And, about that local social media, the Navasota Examiner removed all information concerning Kelly Armstrong and the murder from their Facebook page a couple of days later. Interesting…

Floridian Kelly Johanneson Should Have Chosen Fake Boobs Over Fake Breast Cancer, Cops Say

Kelly Johanneson at Fundraising Event

Kelly Johanneson Arrest Photo
Hernando, Florida(Citrus County)

What could possibly be worse than learning that your family member, or friend, or member of your community is in the final stages of breast cancer?

Well, for family in friends of Kelly Johanneson, it’s probably in finding out the cancer story has been one big ass lie.

Police say that Johanneson, 36, disappeared for a month in late 2013 and when she resurfaced, she told friends and family that she had been at the Moffitt Cancer Center for testing, where she'd been diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer.

After hearing the saddening news, her loved ones sprang into action, setting up a GoFundMe page and holding fundraisers in Johanneson's honor.

Her hometown rallied behind her as well, with events like one held by the Citrus County Airboat Alliance, where Johanneson collected hundreds of dollars for her alleged medical bills.

In September 2014, after receiving a tip that Johanneson might be faking cancer, police decided to further investigate her story.

They spoke to her friends and family before interviewing Johanneson herself, who provided investigators with contact info for her doctors at the Moffitt Cancer Center.

But when detectives reached out to the hospital, the center said it had no record of Johanneson at all.

"This is the first case in Citrus County of its kind," Detective John Bergen told Bay News 9. "It just seems so implausible that someone would use a horrible illness like cancer for personal gain."

He added: "Johanneson hurt so many people – from people that loved her to people that hardly knew her but wanted to help."

Kelly Johanneson has been charged with organized fraud.

Police: ‘Texas Geologist Ashley Dack Boasts About Sexually Abusing 11-Month-Old’

Ashley Dack and Patrick Schuneman

Ashley Dack Arrest Photo
Houston, Texas

If ever a case of looks and resumes being deceiving, then get ready for this one. It starts with a woman named Ashley Dack, a 2003 graduate of AC Reynolds High School in Asheville, North Carolina. Earlier, she had won the tennis doubles state championship. Then it was on to college at Boise State University, where a degree in geology followed. Once in Houston, she settled into the oil and gas industry and participated in sporting events.

One might ask, “Why moonlight as a babysitter?” Well, with the help of police, that question has an unfortunate answer.

Ashley Dack, 29, and her boyfriend, Patrick Schuneman, 37, have been arrested, after investigators say Dack took pictures of herself sexually assaulting children and sent them to Schuneman.

According to court documents, the couple performed sex acts against children, at least one as young as 11 months old, and later boasted of their activities in graphic text messages to each other.

"The defendants befriend women who have small children to gain access to the children," Tiffany Dupree, the chief prosecutor said.

Authorities were tipped off after Dack allegedly bragged about her exploits to a friend, who saved the messages as evidence to show police.

Officers executed search warrants at Dack's and Schuneman's residences simultaneously. One item seized was an iPhone 4 and disturbingly graphic text messages were found.

In one disturbing conversation between Dack and Schuneman, dated Aug 30, the babysitter allegedly fantasized about kidnapping a young girl and bringing her to Schuneman in a car, where the two would rape her. (Warning - Disturbing)
Dack and Schuneman are both charged with super-aggravated child assault and sexual performance by a child under 14. Dack is currently being held on a $350,000 bond, and the court declined bond for Schuneman.

Missing in Texas: Has Anyone Seen Danielle Sleeper?

Danielle Sleeper (Facebook)
Magnolia, Texas

An intensive search is underway for a mother of three who has been missing since last Sunday, which was March 22.

Texas Equusearch has joined in the search with ATVs and a helicopter, along with over 150 family members and volunteers in the effort to locate the 32-year-old missing mom.

"This is only a mile from where her house is at, and we always start from where they were last seen and spread out from there," Tim Miller, of Texas Equusearch, said.

According to family members, Sleeper left her house with her phone and purse, but family members say her phone has since been turned off.

"She does not leave her phone off and they haven't been able to get a signal since Saturday on her phone," Sleeper's mother, Dina Street, said.

Equusearch said it's unclear whether she left on foot or if someone picked her up.

Sleeper is described, by her mother, as a loving mom who is always around her kids.

"That is what she gets up in the morning for. That is why I know this is not right. She doesn't turn her phone off. She doesn't leave her vehicle behind. She is very in touch to be able to get back home to be with her kids."

Sleeper is married. The husband said the last time he saw her she was sleeping on the couch Sunday morning as he left the house with their son. But when he returned, she was gone.

Sleeper also left her medication behind, another warning sign, as going without places her at a greater risk of having seizures.

Anyone who has seen Sleeper or knows anything about her disappearance is asked to call the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office.

Maybe just a coincidence, but it was also around March 22 that investigators confirmed the identity of a woman found dead nearby. She was also from Magnolia.

When Phyllis Jefferson Says “Pass the Salsa,” You’d Better Pass It, Cops Say


Akron, Ohio

Everybody knows what a bitch it can be to run out salsa, right? According to police, one Ohio woman went all-out bat-shit crazy when, after the “pass the salsa” gesture, she came up empty-handed.

Phyllis Jefferson is facing criminal charges after stabbing her boyfriend because he ate all of their salsa, investigators said.

The 61-year-old victim, Ronnie Buckner, told police he was eating salsa with Phyllis Jefferson, 50, at his apartment Sunday when Jefferson accused him of eating all of it.

According to Buckner, Jefferson became angry and stabbed him in the leg with a pen. He said Jefferson knocked over a television while she was grabbing a knife with which she stabbed him again.

According to a police report, Jefferson said she stabbed Buckner because "she wanted to leave."

Jefferson was arrested and charged with felonious assault and misdemeanor criminal endangering.

Kendra Hampton: Unattended Baby Chokes on Cigarette Butt While Mommy Drinks at Florida Bar

Kendra Hampton (Facebook)

Kendra Hampton Arrest Photo
Palm Coast, Florida

According to police, one Florida mother of three will not be making the list of top moms this year. This particular walking sperm bank was taken to jail, after Flagler County deputies discovered her youngest child choked on a cigarette, while she left them unattended.

Deputies said 39-year-old Kendra Hampton left her three children, ages 1, 2 and 9 at home while she spent Saturday afternoon drinking at Scruffy's Bar.

Authorities say that while Hampton was boozing the day away, her 1-year-old daughter got a hold of an ashtray full of cigarettes and ingested one.

A family member discovered the choking baby and successfully removed the cigarette, before calling 9-1-1.

Deputies say Hampton returned home intoxicated, aggressive and making statements about hurting herself.

Once law enforcement was on the scene, they said Hampton became combative and bruised a deputy's finger.

Hampton has been charged with felony neglect of a child, domestic violence and resisting arrest.

Pennsylvania Chainsaw Massacre: Teen Boy Discovers Gruesome Scene of Parent’s Murder-Suicide


Lower Moreland, Pennsylvania

It’s not just a Texas thing anymore,yall…

A young boy came home on Tuesday, just like any other afternoon, except for what he found waiting at home. Once through the door, the 14-year-old boy saw both his parents, hacked to death.

Police in Lower Moreland, Pennsylvania received a call from the unidentified juvenile around 12:50pm and rushed to the home on the 100 block of Country Lane.

Authorities have identified the couple as 48-year-old Chris Peppelman and his wife Nicole, 43. The couple were owners of a local excavating company.

Police say the bodies of the 48-year-old husband and his 43-year-old wife were cut with what appears to be a chainsaw, but so far only Mrs Peppelman's death has been classified as a homicide - suggesting that it may have been a murder-suicide.

'The death of the female seems to be an apparent homicide, however, the investigation is continuing. This is preliminary at this point,' Kevin Steele of the Montgomery County District Attorney's Office said.

Many friends and neighbors are remembering the couple as outgoing and friendly, others have admitted that the Peppelmans were going through a rough patch. It is also reported that Mrs. Peppelman had moved out of the house with their three sons.

Police also confirmed that they had been called to the home before for domestic issues.

Autopsies were scheduled for Wednesday.


Black & Decker LCS1020 20V Max Lithium Ion Chainsaw, 10-Inch

  • 20V max lithium battery for long run-time and long life- stays charged up to 5x longer
  • 10" premium Oregon low kickback bar & chain
  • Tool-Free blade tension system for quick adjustments
  • Wrap around bale handle


Poulan Pro PP5020AV 20-Inch 50cc 2 Stroke Gas Powered Chain Saw With Carrying Case

  • DuraLife Engine - for longer engine life
  • Super clean air filter system - extends the life of the air filter
  • Effortless pull starting system and reduced vibration handle, reduces operator fatigue
  • Automatic chain oiler
  • Includes carrying case and on-board locking scrench holder

Drunk and Half-Dressed Florida Nurse Lydia Kelm Arrested at McDonald's Drive-Thru-Window

Lydia Kelm (Facebook)

Lydia Kelm Arrest Photo
Leesburg, Florida

At first, I though McDonald’s dollar menu had added a new attraction. However, according to police, a drunken, half-naked woman isn’t on the menu.

Police responded to a report from a McDonald’s, on North 14th Street in Leesburg, around 3:30 a.m. The call involved a woman revving her engine loudly and backing up (instead of moving forward) twice at the drive-thru.

Once police arrived on the scene, the woman wearing only a bra and panties was identified as Lydia Grace Kelm, a registered nurse. Based on the woman’s behavior, police questioned Kelm about alcohol. She told officers she had drank three beers.

Cops provided Kelm with a jacket to wear in the crisp 48-degree temperature and conducted a field-sobriety test. She didn’t perform very well, according to the officers.

A test later indicated that her alcohol content was three times the legal limit.

Kelm was booked into the Lake County Jail for DUI, where she has since bonded out.

Revenge-Porn Site Website Creator Kevin Bollaert Sentenced To 18 Years

Revenge Porn Site Operator Kevin Bollaert

San Diego, California

If you have been wondering what ever happened to the revenge porn craze, fueled by a website called ugotposted.com, we have some answers. You may recall, the website gained international attention by allowing jilted lovers to post private, nude, and sexual compromising photos of their ex’s, along with links to their social media sites.

As if that wasn’t good enough, it gets better. When the victims contacted the website, they were directed to another website and forced to pay hundreds of dollars to have the photos removed.

The ‘brilliant’ idea was the brainchild of a San Diego douchebag named Kevin Bollaert. More than 10,000 images, mainly of women, were posted between December 2012 and September 2013. Some of those victimized included teachers, wives and professionals. The compromising photos cost people jobs, damaged relationships and led to one woman attempting suicide.

Back in February, 28-year-old Bollaert was convicted of 21 counts of identity theft and six counts of extortion in San Diego Superior Court.

I guess the money was pretty good, while it lasted. Bollaert reportedly earned about $900 a month in website ad revenue and collected about $30,000 from victims.

During the trial, Bollaert's attorney admitted the business was gross and offensive, but said Bollaert didn't break the law by allowing others to post the explicit material.

On Friday, Bollaert was sentenced to 18 years in state prison.

South Carolina Cop Michael Slager Caught on Video Shooting Unarmed Man in the Back, Charged with Murder


Cop Michael Slager
Charleston, South Carolina

A video released is painting a very different picture of a situation than the one initially portrayed by a cop in South Carolina.

The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division announced Tuesday that Michael Slager, an officer with the North Charleston Police Department, was arrested and charged with murder. The news comes after a video surfaced showing Slager shooting an unarmed man in the back. Slager, if found guilty, could face up to life in prison or death.

The shooting took place Saturday morning after a traffic stop, SLED said. Video obtained by The New York Times shows what happened.

The victim was a black man, identified as 50-year-old Walter Scott. In the video, the victim breaks away from the white officer. Something falls, and the officer fires eight shots at the man as he runs away. Scott, who appears to be unarmed, drops to the ground.

"I can tell you that as the result of that video and the bad decision made by our officer, he will be charged with murder," North Charleston Mayor Keith Summey told reporters Tuesday. "When you're wrong, you're wrong. And if you make a bad decision -- don't care if you're behind the shield or just a citizen on the street -- you have to live by that decision."

Scott was remembered by his brother as loving, kind and outgoing, somebody who "knew everybody." He spent two years in the Coast Guard, and had four children.

"All we wanted was the truth," said Anthony Scott. "I don't think that all police officers are bad cops, but there are some bad ones out there, and I don't want to see anyone get shot down the way that my brother got shot down."

Initially, Slager’s attorney David Aylor, said that his client followed the appropriate policies and procedures. Aylor later told CNN that he no longer represents the officer, and it was unclear whether Slager had obtained new representation.

Police reports show that Slager said he used his Taser. The officer later said: "Shots fired and the subject is down.

Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina said on Twitter that he had watched the video and that "the senseless shooting and taking of #WalterScott's life was absolutely unnecessary and avoidable."

The Justice Department released a statement Tuesday saying it would "take appropriate action in light of the evidence and developments in the state case."

"The South Carolina Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has opened an investigation concurrent with the S.C. Law Enforcement Division and are providing aid as necessary to the state investigation. The Department of Justice Civil Rights Division and the South Carolina U.S. Attorney's Office will work with the FBI in the investigation," it read.

Georgia MILF Rachel Lehnardt: Admitted Sexual Deviant, Naked Twister Participant and Likes Sex with Teen Boys


Rachel Lehnardt Booking Photo
Columbia County, Georgia

A MILF down in Evans, Georgia is in a bit of a pickle, losing custody of her 5 children and now facing charges of Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, after a wild night at the house.

Rachel Lynn Lehnardt, 35, is facing 2 counts of Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor after an incident in her home involving minors, according to a Columbia County Sheriff's Office incident report.

In addition to being a baby-maker, it looks like Lehnardt has a history of alcohol abuse as well. In fact, she had recently been appointed another woman who is serving as her Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) sponsor. According to the sponsor, it was during a first meeting with Lehnardt, when she learned of the woman’s five children. Lehnardt told the sponsor she had been sober for the four days after losing custody of the children on April 16.

According to the incident report, Lehnardt told the woman her children were ages 4, 6, 8, 10, and 16.

And as I always say, some people talk way too much and reveal their stupidity far too easily. For example, Lehnardt reportedly confided in the sponsor that, following an “incident” at her home, an emergency hearing on April 6 resulted in her children being taken away. She went on to explain how, because of the “incident,” she may be facing charges of Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor.” Next, came all of the details.

Lehnardt reportedly explained to the sponsor that her kids were with their father one night when her 16-year-old daughter texted her and asked if her and some friends could come over "to party". Lehnardt reportedly replied "come on, let' s party".

And a hell of a party it was, according to the report. Lehnardt said she and the group played "naked Twister," then she allegedly had sex with an 18-year-old in the bathroom.

According to the report, Lehnardt said she woke up in the middle of the night to find herself having sex with her daughter's boyfriend. She allegedly admitted to showing photos to her daughter of Lehnardt and the daughter's boyfriend having sex.

According to her sponsor, Lehnardt attends church and is a member of a sexual addiction support group. Lehnardt has reportedly admitted to being a “sexual deviant” and that she is addicted to pornography.

Texas Veterinarian Kristen Lindsey’s Dead Pussy Photo Goes Viral

Dr. Kristen Lindsey (Left)
Brenham, Texas

Whether you like pussy or not, I think we can all agree that a dead pussy is far from appealing. And that is just what a veterinarian down in Texas is learning the hard way.

On Wednesday, Dr. Kristen Lindsey treated her Facebook followers with a photo of her holding a cat. However, this wasn’t a love my cat photo or anything, although I guess it could qualify for the crazy cat lady category. The cat in the photo had an arrow protruding from its head. The caption, posted by Lindsey read:

And the Disturbing Photo

What Lindsey apparently didn’t realize is that the "feral tomcat" she killed was actually belonged to someone. “Tiger,” the 6-year-old orange Tabby reportedly went missing earlier on Wednesday. A Facebook page titled "Justice for Tiger" was quickly set up and called for Lindsey to be charged with a crime. The page has photos of Tiger as well as a video that the kitty's owner posted to YouTube in November.

Even with Tiger’s identity revealed, Lindsey remained confident, as demonstrated with her next posting in response to calls for her firing from her employer. She posted:

Next, the Washington Animal Clinic terminated her. While there are animal cruelty laws in effect, given the nature of the property and property rights, it’s unclear if Lindsey will face any criminal charges. However, Austin County Sheriff Jack Brandes told KBTX that he'd forward the case to the district attorney for review.

The Texas Veterinary Medical Association issued a press release condemning the post:

"We are saddened and disturbed by the unfortunate actions of this individual, and we remind Texas residents that this conduct is not reflective of the veterinary profession or of the veterinarians who strive to embody the words of the veterinarian’s oath every day."

In all, Dr. Lindsey remains confident. Her latest Facebook post, in response to opponents and even those making death threats, reads:

Sex Toy that Holds Cremated Remains: Be Close to the One You Love


They often say ‘til death do us part.'

But ladies, if one designer has his way, you can stay intimately close to the one you love for years to cum.

Mark Sturkenboom has created a memory box, that includes a necklace and an amplifier for playing music that reminds you of your departed loved one.

There’s also a scent diffuser and a gold-plated urn. Scent diffuser and a sex toy?

Actually, the urn is a dildo, containing the ashes of the owner’s dearly departed, that makes this box stand-out.

Defending his newest creation, Sturkenboom said: "After a passing, the missing of intimacy with that person is only one aspect of the pain and grief."

This forms the base for 21 Grams. The urn offers the possibility to conserve 21 grams of ashes of the deceased and displays an immortal desire.

The inspiration “came” while helping an elderly lady with her groceries.

“She has an urn standing near the window with the remains of her husband. She always speaks with so much love about him but the jar he was in didn’t reflect that at all.”

During that same time, Sturkenboom read an article about widows, taboos, sex and intimacy which sparked the magical question:

“Can I combine these themes and make an object that is about love and missing and intimacy?”

The box, called 21 Grams– said to be the weight of the human soul – was his answer.

If you want to study-up on the dildo-urn, you can find out more at the designer’s website.

Arizona’s Brittany Sonnier Trades 'Doggie-Style' Love for Underage Florida Teen, Cops Say


Brittany Sonnier

Brittany Sonnier Booking Photo
Holly Hill, Florida

Back in 2012, a 23-year-old woman in Arizona caught national attention, after she was accused of having sex with a dog. Soon, her doggy dilemma died down and she dropped out of site. Well, that was until recently, when she surfaced in Florida.

Brittany Sonnier was arrested Monday in Volusia County on allegations of having sex with a 15-year-old boy.

According to police, Sonnier befriended a teen next-door who stayed with his father on the weekends. Sonnier, allegedly enticed the teen to perform sexual acts knowing that he was underage. Police said she was also in possession of marijuana and shared the drugs, as well as alcohol, with him.

According to a Volusia County arrest report, the teen became aware of Sonnier's past arrest of bestiality. The teen admitted to having intercourse with Sonnier for two nights and said he was concerned about contracting a venereal disease, the report said.

The teen went to police following a physical exam.

Following the teen’s interview with police, Sonnier agreed to meet with them and admitted that she had supplied marijuana to the boy, as well as being sexually active with him, knowing he was underage.

Sonnier was arrested and charged with lewd and lascivious battery sex act with a person less than 16 years of age and contributing to delinquency of a minor, both felony charges.

Quick-Trigger Douchebag SC Cop Michael Slager Indicted for Murder


Charleston, South Carolina

Folks are happy down in South Carolina, well, except for racists and probably those directly related to one bad cop named Michael Slager.

A grand jury has officially handed down the indictment on the 33-year-old North Charleston police officer, for murdering Walter Scott back in April.

In a statement to the press, Charleston County Solicitor Scarlett Wilson said: "I think the people of the 9th circuit elected me to be accountable to them, and that’s what we intend to do; they have to know they have someone prosecuting the case who is accountable to them."

The death of Walter Scott added fuel to the already mounting fire over police use of force against unarmed black citizens, particularly after Feidin Santana’s eyewitness video of the encounter surfaced and contradicted initial police reports that Scott had grabbed Slager’s stun gun.

The encounter between Slager and Scott started as a simple traffic stop on the morning of April 4. Slager pulled Scott over for a broken tail light. According to dash cam video of the stop, Scott provided his license but explained he does not have registration or insurance information for the vehicle because he was in the process of buying the car.

After a brief exchange, Slager walked back to his squad car with Scott’s license while Scott and his passenger, Pierre D. Fulton, waited. Scott attempted to exit his vehicle but was ordered back inside by Slager.

Moments later, Scott opened the door again, and ran away. Slager chased him, and ultimately fired his stun gun on Scott, according to the incident report.

Slager then fired several shots with his gun as Scott was running away. Scott suffered five gunshot wounds, and officially died from gunshot wounds to the back.

Rodney, Scott's younger brother, shared the family's reaction to the indictment.

“This morning, the grand jury made the decision to indict Mr. Slager for murder, and we’re very pleased and happy about that,” he said.

Texas Pediatric Physician Dennis Hughes Busted for Child Porn

Dr. Dennis Hughes Pediatric Oncologist at MD Anderson Cancer Center

Dr. Dennis Hughes Mug
Houston, Texas

In the photos above, at first glance and before the headline, things seem ok. Right? After reading the headline, doesn’t the placement of the girl's hand on the examination table make you cringe? And if what police are saying is true, you should cringe.

Dr. Dennis Hughes, pediatric oncologist with M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, has been arrested on child porn charges, according to the FBI.

Police took Hughes into custody last Friday, June 5, and charged with possession of child pornography.

According to investigators, Hughes allegedly admitted to downloading and viewing child porn. Court documents show that on one thumb drive, about 8,200 files were discovered. Police say the majority of those files appear to be child pornography.

M.D. Anderson confirmed the charges against Hughes but said they do not involve patients.

M.D. Anderson sent out the following email to patients:

"Our patients' privacy and safety are first and foremost, which means we are committed to transparency and sharing information. As part of this commitment, we have some concerning news to share with you. Dr. Dennis Hughes, an associate professor of Pediatrics, has been placed on administrative leave for allegations related to the possession of child pornography.

We know this is difficult news to hear and we apologize for any distress caused by this communication. Because this is a very recent development, details are limited at this time. However, based upon the information we have received so far, we have no reason to believe the charges involve any of our patients or other MD Anderson staff.

MD Anderson Children's Cancer Hospital faculty and staff are actively cooperating with law enforcement in their investigation. We also are conducting our own internal reviews."

Official Documents: 'Jared Fogle Paid for Sex with Minors'

Jared Fogle
Indianapolis, Indiana

On Wednesday, Federal prosecutors released documents alleging that former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle traveled to engage in "unlawful commercial sexual acts" with minors and possessed child pornography that he got from the former director of his charitable organization.

Josh Minkler, the federal prosecutor for Indiana’s Southern District, said during a following press conference that Fogle has agreed to plead guilty to the charges and has admitted to participating in a scheme to exploit children.

He faces between five and 12 years in prison.

According to the documents, 12 of the 14 victims in the case are minors who were secretly filmed by Russell Taylor, the former executive director of Fogle's foundation. Investigators say Fogle allegedly received some of these videos and images. The other two victims are underage girls, whom Fogle allegedly traveled to have commercial sex with.

In one instance, Fogle allegedly met with one of those girls at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. In November 2012, documents claim he allegedly paid the girl, who was 17, to commit sexual acts and texted her the next day offering to pay her if she could find him another underage girl. He allegedly told her that the younger the girl, the better.

The prosecutors claim that Fogle "repeatedly made travel plans in order to have his business trips coincide with the pursuit of sexual acts."

Authorities say that Taylor provided Fogle with pornography produced by others that involved children as young as six.

Under the plea agreement, Fogle is expected to pay $100,000 in restitution to each of the victims.

Internet Creatives Respond to Jared Fogle Case

WDBJ News Team Ambush: Raw Footage

Bridgewater, Virginia

Due to the media coverage already in place involving the deadly shooting of the WDBJ news crew, we chose to not post our own stories. However, as the uncut video has emerged, it's definitely worth a watch. (Caution)

WDBJ Journalist Alison Parker and Photographer Adam Ward were shot dead during live TV broadcast Raw WDBJ Virginia News Crew Shooting Video

Texas Cop, Foot & Panty Lover Patrick Quinn Gets Jail


The accused promised to let a suspect go if he could lick her feet or have her panties

Houston, Texas

A former Cy-Fair school district police officer, who pulled over a female motorist and then asked to lick her feet, has been sentenced to 1 year in jail.

Patrick Quinn, a 27-year-old former police officer, pleaded guilty to official oppression. He was sentenced on Wednesday in Houston.

According to court documents, Quinn stopped the woman in August 2014 and found marijuana paraphernalia but told her he had a foot fetish and would release her if she let him lick her feet or give him her underwear. Investigators say he then changed his mind and let her go.

Sarah Furay May Be The Cutest Drug Dealer in Texas


"Sarah Furay College Station Texas"
Sarah Furay Mug
College Station, Texas

Down in College Station, the home of Texas A&M University, a 19-year old cutie was hauled to jail after police say they caught her selling a whole shit-ton of drugs out of her apartment. Yes, I said a whole shit-ton. When you are reporting on Texas, you've got to speak the local language.

Anyway, it was Sarah Furay that was taken to the pokey on Friday, charged with four counts of drug possession and intent to sell.

A search warrant was issued for her apartment on Cottage Lane, where authorities found large amounts of methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana and other psychedelic drugs in her possession.

While searching Furay's cell phone, police also discovered numerous texts indicating she was selling the drugs.

Furay is now being held on a $39,000 dollar bond.

Erin Andrews Nude Photos: 'Ain't All That'


Now that Erin Andrews has been awarded cash, following the stalking peephole nude photo and porn video situation, we wondered just what the fuss was all about. Well, thanks to the Internet, it's not hard to trace down the nude photos and video.

Erin Andrews Nude Photos Are Still On The Internet

According to reports, an estimated 17 million people have already masturbated to viewed the Erin Andrews nude photos and video.

Since the trial started on February 23, the video has consistently been one of the top searched items on Google and can still be found on various porn sites.

We didn't have to search very hard -- just had to visit the world-famous website The Dirty.

For those asking Why Erin Andrews is still naked on the Internet, well, it's not a new question. And you can probably guess the answer.

Carrie Goldberg, an Internet privacy and sexual consent attorney, said it's nearly impossible to remove all traces of a video once it's been posted to the Internet.

"Even if you were able to remove it from every site, anyone who has seen it and downloaded a copy to their computer can re-upload it at any time," Goldberg said. "It's like whack-a-mole, but even more cancerous than that."

In all reality, in our own humble opinion, the photos are not that great. They are fuzzy and blurred. For our money, we would rather check out her approved photos like the ones below. But that's just us.